My Blogging Experience...
To start writing about my learning is worth pointing out that English is very important in the modern world. Today more than ever it is essential to learn the English language. Every day is used more in almost all areas of knowledge and human development. Practically it can be argued that this is the language of the world. Indeed, even as he said that language would not dominate a distinct disadvantage: It would be like if half dumb or illiterate.
I think the blog helped me to learn how to express myself in English. I learned to form sentences and texts in English and build with this activity.
I still remember like it was yesterday as it was difficult for me to write the first blog. I think that talk about any topic in another language is complicated, but particularly for my English is very complicated. I think the English language since childhood I was afraid, I do not know exactly why. But the blog has helped me to overcome my fear to express myself in English.
Definitely the blog that I liked was when I had to describe a favorite photo. That Friday I described my favorite photo I remembered all the good times that I lived with that photo.
The blog not only helped me to express myself in English has also helped me to know a little more. The last blog in which I had to talk about my future made me think of many things that had not yet seen in myself. I think you always talk about the future is difficult and even more in English. I find it fun having to think about something I never thought but this time do it in English.
I believe every one of the blog helped me not only to learn more English, but they also learn to better understand my tastes. All were very entertaining blog. I think it was the funniest thing I have done in another language.
Now as I write my last blog makes me think that sorrow will not write more on this web site. I think this web site is wonderful because it contains many feelings are important to me. In each blog to express feelings and experiences of my life.
I definitely thank the creator of this activity and I must also thank the teacher for her patience and knowledge delivered. THANK YOU.