Austrian economist and sociologist. He began his higher education in Vienna, where he was a disciple of the leading representatives of the Austrian school, F. von Wieser and von Böhm-Bawerk. In 1907 he continued his studies in Britain. Austrian Finance Minister (1919), was devoted mainly to education, being a professor in Bonn and Harvard. In 1932 he settled permanently in the U.S..
His work is one of the largest that have occurred in the twentieth century, with great influence in the economic and social sciences as a whole. Highlighted the influence of entrepreneurs, the creation of credit and technology in economic development, as well argue with socialism.
- "Über die matematische Methode der theoretischen Ökonomie", 1906, ZfVSV. Blanca
- "Das Rentenprinzip in der Verteilungslehre", 1907, Schmollers Jahrbuch
Wesen und Hauptinhalt der theoretischen Nationalökonomie (transl. The Nature and Essence of Theoretical Economics), 1908.
- "On the Concept of Social Value", 1909, QJE
Wie studiert man Sozialwissenschaft, 1910 (transl. by J.Z. Muller, "How to Study Social Science", Society, 2003)
- "Marie Esprit Leon Walras", 1910, ZfVSV.
- "Über das Wesen der Wirtschaftskrisen", 1910, ZfVSV
Theorie der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung (transl. The Theory of Economic Development: An inquiry into profits, capital, credit, interest and the business cycle) , 1911.
Economic Doctrine and Method: An historical sketch, 1914.
- "Das wissenschaftliche Lebenswerk Eugen von Böhm-Bawerks", 1914, ZfVSV.
Vergangenkeit und Zukunft der Sozialwissenschaft, 1915.
The Crisis of the Tax State, 1918.
- "The Sociology of Imperialism", 1919, Archiv für Sozialwissenschaft und Sozialpolitik
- "Max Weber's Work", 1920, Der österreichische Volkswirt
- "Carl Menger", 1921, ZfVS.
- "The Explanation of the Business Cycle", 1927, Económica
- "Social Classes in an Ethnically Homogeneous Environment", 1927, Archiv für Sozialwissenschaft und Sozialpolitik.
- "The Instability of Capitalism", 1928, EJ
Das deutsche Finanzproblem, 1928.
- "Mitchell's Business Cycles", 1930, QJE
- "The Present World Depression: A tentative diagnosis", 1931, AER.
- "The Common Sense of Econometrics", 1933, Econometrica
- "Depressions: Can we learn from past experience?", 1934, in Economics of the Recovery Program
- "The Nature and Necessity of a Price System", 1934, Economic Reconstruction.
- "Review of Robinson's Economics of Imperfect Competition", 1934, JPE
- "The Analysis of Economic Change", 1935, REStat.
- "Professor Taussig on Wages and Capital", 1936, Explorations in Economics.
- "Review of Keynes's General Theory", 1936, JASA
Business Cycles: A theoretical, historical and statistical analysis of the Capitalist process, 1939.
- "The Influence of Protective Tariffs on the Industrial Development of the United States", 1940, Proceedings of AAPS
- "Alfred Marshall's Principles: A semi-centennial appraisal", 1941, AER.
- "Frank William Taussig", 1941, QJE.
I admire him because constributed to organizational psychology, which is what I like.