English is a very important language worldwide, not speaking it means being a disadvantage at work, at university. That is why the Social Sciences faculty at the University of Chile since 2007 implemented the English program as a compulsory course for the undergraduate students. At the University of Chile, they want us to acquire the highest category in English, is to understand the main ideas of complex oral and written texts, including technical discussions in their field. Also, the ability to interact fluently with native speakers of English as well as oral and written texts produces clear, detailed text on a wide range of topics. In the category below, the student can develop, albeit with less fluency in professional environments.
In 2007 we asked all students admitted the previous year (2006) of the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Chile held a test to see the level of English that everyone had and from there begin the lifelong learning of the language English, revealing 4 levels, the first being the most precarious and 4 the most advanced.
When I started the process of learning English ...
I took the English exam in 2008 being at level 1, I started learning English from the primary level in 2009 with Juan Luzzi, he really was an excellent teacher, I learned a lot with him, but what I should emphasize that taught me to lose some of the fear of language, I must clarify that my whole life I've had fear and resistance to the English language, because the teachers had very little school teachers to teach English and always associated with something negative me. The Level 1 course in English I met my "friends of English," Silvana, Maite, Karina, from there I do all English classrooms they've been from level 1 until now we are at level 4, I think what united us was the fear of failing English, we were always that fear even today.
Then go to level 2 where my teacher was Rosa Zagal, I think she actually saw my progress, I think it was not even able to say "hello" and with this teacher until I took the oral test of English at Level 3 . The teacher always had a lot of patience, because English is very difficult for my language.
So get to level 4 with teacher Alvaro, a level that no doubt has become very difficult for me, this level has been a constant in my day to day because I am currently working, studying a post-graduate and doing my thesis apply for the title, then joined two important things at this level, my difficulty with the language and my limited time to study it as it should. I work hard to fulfill everything the teacher asks, but it definitely is sometimes impossible to comply with everything.
Finally I must say that the English language has always been very difficult for me, but I struggled a lot to get to level 4, I think the university has given me the opportunity to face a complicated subject, has made me a challenge that I face well, however I must point out that English has always been my weak point in school, I still think that the language is very important for the world today.
jueves, 11 de noviembre de 2010
jueves, 28 de octubre de 2010
A Sabbatical Year!

It is difficult in our society see a sabbatical as natural, we are not used, many think of how disastrous it can be a year between quotation marks and do nothing, or feel anxiety when taken as a waste of time, but others think for example that this year would reflect on what you want as long as they do not try to spend all day lying at home, my hope is the thought that someday I could take a sabbatical.
Unfortunately I never had the opportunity to take a year off my life in general has always been full of things and plans that I had to meet throughout the years ... I could never stop doing things to take me a long time doing nothing .... I think I am a very responsible person that prohibits me a bit to drop everything and go out and enjoy life, to say the least...
But I've always thought that taking a year to enjoy is the best thing you can do ... I think a year just to do what you really want to do is the best decision you can make. I think if I had the opportunity to take a year to enjoy the beauty of life, travel the world, would travel across countries, known many cultures ... Live the moment, be happy every minute and think only in the now without worrying about tomorrow....
Enumerated a list just to see all the things I like to do now I do not believe that would list things like:
- I like to watch too much television
- I would sleep much
- I like to travel
- I would like to visit different countries
- I like to read many different books
- I'd like to meet many people
- I'd wake up thinking that only makes what I really want to do...
If I could take a year off would comply with the list of things I would do ... But unfortunately everything you want in life is what you may have ... that is why happiness should think about what you have and daily lives.
viernes, 22 de octubre de 2010

People are so used to open the faucet and the water flow does not ask how I get there and less if we waste this resource, however my family since childhood has made me think about this issue and have made me see that there an important relationship between ourselves and nature.
Because if we think the environment is all around us, trees, vegetation, animals, the physical environment and other people. For pollution problems tend to think of it just as nature, water or air, but it is a much richer concept and includes human beings, how they interact and their values.
I'm thinking and I conclude that there is constant interaction between the environment and me. My way of life is influenced by the natural and cultural environment, while my actions modify the environment. For the same reason I feel better living in a city with clean air rather than polluted or working in a friendly work environment rather than conflicting. That is why I prefer to look after the environment.
I think the only way to protect the environment is known. To do this you can make outdoor family trips. These can be squares, parks and walks close to or more distant places during the holidays. In the house can also be made entertaining activities to promote environmental care, I think everything starts from the parents.
That's why I care for the environment because my parents taught me to do, separating the garbage, gardening, watching the water, not polluted, etc .... This topic is really relevant to the planet, so we must all help the environment!
Working mothers: why having a baby need not mean the end of your career
The work and the children ... a dilemma ... which is why I found this article very interesting .... And that is closely related to the human resources area.
Most mothers prefer, of course, to reduce their horizons and enjoy your baby. However, the high cost of living, could push many middle-income parents to return to work earlier than they might have chosen and, although the revised legislation and changing social attitudes have made it easier to combine career and family, remains a difficult task.
A survey by the parents of the online network Netmums found that employment discrimination at its worst moment was when the woman returned from maternity leave to women who reported having a different treatment. Managers with the best of intentions, can leave out in order to facilitate return to work, coworkers may resent cover for a mother who has to leave early to pick up a sick child, but the perception of women have of themselves can also be the culprit
Some large companies have taken to hiring coaches for advice on motherhood in favor of family commitments and to counsel women returning from maternity leave.
The article closes with a very significant paragraph:
"Mothers may have a very negative view of themselves when they return to work and yet, when they talk about motherhood, which sounds like multitasking power," says Liston Smith. "We really should be looking at maternity leave as a leadership development course that equips women even better for the workplace."
Most mothers prefer, of course, to reduce their horizons and enjoy your baby. However, the high cost of living, could push many middle-income parents to return to work earlier than they might have chosen and, although the revised legislation and changing social attitudes have made it easier to combine career and family, remains a difficult task.
A survey by the parents of the online network Netmums found that employment discrimination at its worst moment was when the woman returned from maternity leave to women who reported having a different treatment. Managers with the best of intentions, can leave out in order to facilitate return to work, coworkers may resent cover for a mother who has to leave early to pick up a sick child, but the perception of women have of themselves can also be the culprit
Some large companies have taken to hiring coaches for advice on motherhood in favor of family commitments and to counsel women returning from maternity leave.
The article closes with a very significant paragraph:
"Mothers may have a very negative view of themselves when they return to work and yet, when they talk about motherhood, which sounds like multitasking power," says Liston Smith. "We really should be looking at maternity leave as a leadership development course that equips women even better for the workplace."
sábado, 16 de octubre de 2010
My wild party

Bachelorette party for my best friend!!!
The last party more fun and wild that I went to a bachelorette party for my best friend ... it was incredible a party...
It was an incredible celebration ... remembering the party ... was a party organized just for women, specifically just friends from school, first got together to eat and drink up some drinks ... we talked a lot, we laugh and share the fun things we had lived together for many years of friendship, remember the college, the parties they had been together, we'd had boyfriends, teachers, problems and the good times we shared together ....
Almost midnight we went to a place for bachelorette parties, men dance around ... it was really fun and wild ... the dancing showgirls different things and did many games for the bride and her friends ... for example did the brides dance the stage with them, blindfolded them and danced them ... made them run into chairs with balloons to win prizes ... it was very funny ... we laugh a lot with my friends ....
Then we went back to a quieter place to continue talking and having fun, just us ... the party lasted until the next day ... I went home very tired but happy to have had so much fun with my group of friends from school ... .
What a great party, was definitely the wildest party I've gone, and I hope the girlfriend too, because it was a party organized for her ...
viernes, 8 de octubre de 2010
"La Porota"

My favorite book
Usually I like to read a lot, I love reading ... is difficult for me to choose a book because I have many favorite books ....
The book that will choose a book I read when I was in first or second grade, I do not remember ... was a book that I love and thanks to this book I realized how much I enjoyed reading ... I think I read that book about 4 or 5 times as a child ... ahhh but I must say that the first time I read that book was not alone, my mom read a little piece every day at night, until I learned to read ....
Book: "The Porota"
Author: Hernán del Solar
The book talks about .... "Porota" is a very spoiled girl who has a rag doll called "Mimi." One day the doll disappears and she can not find it until you see it in the fireplace. She decides intrigued surprised to find what you Mimi. The doll he calls her to the world of cloth dolls because they have a big problem: there are bats that eat sawdust and are wreaking havoc within the dolls ...
This work, like all of the National Literature Prize 1968, notable for its refreshing, its characters and the values it contains. I think many who have known the story of "The Porota" argue that this work of Hernán del Solar is not only special for its content but also help them remember with joy the magical era of life such as children.
I believe that all children who have read the book Porota fall in love, because it's really wonderful!
miércoles, 29 de septiembre de 2010

Chile's Bicentennial Celebration takes place on September 18, 2010. Its celebration commemorating the 200 years into the process of independence of Chile. Chile's Bicentennial is an important date, a cause for celebration that we can celebrate who we are as a nation and what we have achieved in these two hundred years.
Chile celebrated the Bicentennial with an entertaining program of activities such as trade customs, traditional games, music, folk dance events in the main parts of the country, gastronomy, sports and artistic activities, which invite you to enjoy its cultural wealth and show how important is this event for the country.
I celebrate the bicentennial of Chile with my family. I celebrate the bicentennial in the house of my aunt, was very entertaining. To me these holidays are celebrated as a family. My family held a party where we will commemorate the 200 years, no doubt enjoyed a lot as a family to celebrate the national holiday. This anniversary was celebrated with four days of celebration throughout Chile. Everyone is happy, in general, always the days when we celebrate the independence of Chile, the people go very smiling and happy.
I feel that these parties unite the country and I love it. I love to celebrate the national holiday!
sábado, 4 de septiembre de 2010
University Education
I think it is very difficult to start talking about education, because it is a very complex issue ... but I will attempt to express the following lines in my position on the college ....
When I start to wonder if a college education should be completely privatized or not ... the question that comes to mind is whether "education is a right or a privilege? .... I believe that when it comes to higher education should think not only in the present but the future of Chile. Education is the foundation of any development that we have as a country, and is therefore written previously that I believe all people should have the opportunity to access education, regardless of the income of each family, WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO ALL ALWAYS keep educating.
But beyond the money you have major state universities in Chile is that it assumes that university projects critical, contemporary and transformers, which help to educate people on values such as freedom, social justice, solidarity and human rights, only can be verified under the protection of the state and, therefore privatize state universities would close spaces of debate and leave it to "some" education for all.
I think the University of Chile can not be privatized by the writing on the above ....
jueves, 2 de septiembre de 2010
My dream country...

I want to know many places, but if I had to choose one it might be... Italy....
I would go to Italy...
Italy is a country in southern Europe, part of the European Union; Its territory consists of the Italian peninsula and two largest islands in the Mediterranean Sea: Sicily and Sardinia.
Italy shows its wealth with its tourist sites, history, gastronomy, and its incredible cities, also with a particular language that I think wonderful.
I really love to meet each of the places in Italy, I have a favourite place to learn because I want to know everyone. If I had to choose one city to know choose Rome in this historical context.
I like to live in Italy several years to learn about their culture in addition to its cities and infrastructure.
... I have not thought about going with anyone in specific to go to Italy, the only thing that I have been thinking is saving every month to find a place other than the ones I already know...
jueves, 19 de agosto de 2010
My first post in the second half...

Study and work ... post-graduate, English, thesis, and abstract work ... my first semester ....
This year has been very intense for me. I am working and studying at the same time, it is difficult to coordinate both. The biggest difficulty that I have been introduced this year in my studies has been the lack of time .... Time has become my greatest barrier to perform all I want academically, but still I successfully managed to get ahead of time ... My problem solved I have ordered my schedule, now I have everything programmed to meet all my commitments both working as a student.
I have a conscience I'm doing many things at once, but I love everything I do and I hope to make ends year with the same energy.
viernes, 2 de julio de 2010
My blogging experience

My Blogging Experience...
To start writing about my learning is worth pointing out that English is very important in the modern world. Today more than ever it is essential to learn the English language. Every day is used more in almost all areas of knowledge and human development. Practically it can be argued that this is the language of the world. Indeed, even as he said that language would not dominate a distinct disadvantage: It would be like if half dumb or illiterate.
I think the blog helped me to learn how to express myself in English. I learned to form sentences and texts in English and build with this activity.
I still remember like it was yesterday as it was difficult for me to write the first blog. I think that talk about any topic in another language is complicated, but particularly for my English is very complicated. I think the English language since childhood I was afraid, I do not know exactly why. But the blog has helped me to overcome my fear to express myself in English.
Definitely the blog that I liked was when I had to describe a favorite photo. That Friday I described my favorite photo I remembered all the good times that I lived with that photo.
The blog not only helped me to express myself in English has also helped me to know a little more. The last blog in which I had to talk about my future made me think of many things that had not yet seen in myself. I think you always talk about the future is difficult and even more in English. I find it fun having to think about something I never thought but this time do it in English.
I believe every one of the blog helped me not only to learn more English, but they also learn to better understand my tastes. All were very entertaining blog. I think it was the funniest thing I have done in another language.
Now as I write my last blog makes me think that sorrow will not write more on this web site. I think this web site is wonderful because it contains many feelings are important to me. In each blog to express feelings and experiences of my life.
I definitely thank the creator of this activity and I must also thank the teacher for her patience and knowledge delivered. THANK YOU.
viernes, 18 de junio de 2010

I think in the not too distant future I will graduate from university. I will work in psychologist area.... I would really like to study abroad. I´d really like to go to Europe to study an MBA. I hope that in future I can go to study abroad....
I guess I never stop studying because I believe that a successful professional life studying...
I think that talking about the future of my study is exciting because they are based on many dreams of my life...
I think that will work in organizations and companies. I love working on what they study. I will work to help people at work. I hope I can work very well to help develop people and to make the organization more profitable... I will strive to be successful at work...
I believe that romantic love is very important, but I have not thought about it yet ...
For my family is the most important of my life. I am what I am because of my family. I think that if I ever build my family, is the most important in my life. I love the family I'll have. I want to have 4 children in the future. I like large families ...
I want to travel. I want to travel around the world. I would like to know wonderful places. I always will travel on my vacation somewhere you do not know ... I would like to use my free time traveling ....
I like to live abroad... Then I would go back to live in Chile and stay to make my life here .... I like to live in a beautiful place in Santiago. I want to live in a big house, because I have a great family ....
viernes, 11 de junio de 2010
My Photograph...

In general I love the pictures. The pictures to my account the time lived. A photograph is to relive the experience…
My favorite photograph...
How difficult is it to choose a picture, because I like all, all have something special for me...
I choose this picture only because it represents a bit of what we need ... This photograph represents the peace that is reflected by the water ... summer ... the sun ... life ... vacation .... I do not know exactly how to describe what it represents, just know it brings me great memories ....
Every time I see this picture I remember how wonderful my vacation ... I remember how nice it is to have free time just to think about life ... this picture causes many emotions in me...
I take photographs to a March morning in Puerto Velero… "Puerto Velero" is a very wonderful place to spend a few days there ... is located exactly in the 4th region of Chile...
Recalling ... That day I take the picture ...
It was a lot day sun was very hot ... I was on his way to swim in the pool by one point you may contemplate the landscape... When I look at the landscape, I realized that I should take the picture because it was a beautiful, wonderful ... Sometimes I think that taking the photograph of a landscape is much more than the landscape, representing the time lived with people who were there ...
The photographs are undoubtedly one of the things I love most…
viernes, 4 de junio de 2010
My Favorite Festivity

Definitely my favorite holiday is Christmas...
This time I like it because… There is no ideal Christmas, only at Christmas is when you decide to think and reflect on your values, desires, affections, traditions ... Christmas is definitely a special day to think ...
Christmas is a special moment for me because ...I've always spent Christmas with my family...I think these moments are easily shared , to talk, to celebrate, to provide, but most of all to be happy ... I always celebrate Christmas at my house, because I think home is the most inviting place...
Recalling my last Christmas…
Last year we celebrated Christmas at my house with my family ... as forgetting the time, was really amazing... We were all excited and happy ... I still remember the face of my younger brother opened their gifts ... I also remember how excited he was my dad ....
What I would like to do on Christmas ...
I think I have nothing to do at Christmas unattainable ... and that the only thing I need is my family, to be the most beautiful time of year ....
viernes, 28 de mayo de 2010
Ciminal Laws

Chile... secure Country?
In my opinion ...
I think the laws in Chile are not as good. The criminals out of jail soon.
always wondered how to improve it. But obviusly I am not a lawyer .... then I lack knowledge to do something concrete about it.
Analysis of delinquency...
An extremely debated and discussed topic is the effort of the authorities to capture criminals, these to be so sure that will not be caught or that his sentence will be short,causing a mentality that criminals have escaped after believe that their first offense in the second may not be caught so they continue in the same situation...
No doubt this is a great topic to discuss...
domingo, 16 de mayo de 2010

My favorite piece of technology is my new notebook. I receive it for Christmas last year from my parents who thought that I needed a new one because the old one was starting to fail.
What I like about it is that I can use it for work, for my studies and for having fun. It really has lots of things to do and it makes a lot of things easier. For example, I can use it for different research and getting information is much easier with it. Also, all my work is saved in it and I use it a lot for it. And finally I have all my photos, my music, etc in it. So, I use it very often. I use it almost every day indeed because there is always something I need to do in it, it can be for work, for the university, or just for fun like watching my old photos or listening to music while I do some other thing, or even play a little some game like Tetris.
I think that my life without it would be a lot less comfortable. For example, for some research it would be harder to get information or if I want to entertain myself easily it would be harder. It really makes life easier, it is great.
viernes, 7 de mayo de 2010
My Best Friend !

My best friend is Paulina Ávila...
How could I forget when I met her... In March 2006 we met for the first time in college.
Remembering ...
In a classroom of philosophy began to talk. And I think from that moment we never separate.
She is a very sincere and honest. Certainly what most brings us together is our way of being and outlook on life. I must say that without her my life in college would not have been so fantastic.
The time we spent together ...
When we were studying psychology spent a lot of time together. We went to the gym, were studying for tests and did the work together. Unfortunately chose different psychology elective; we got separated at the university. But we remain as good friends.
The best time I remember her...
No doubt I felt sad when she was there...
When you need a friend she was there...
When I am king of the life she was there... and I hope that it remains forever in my life, because it is a wonderful person.
Thanks friend!
domingo, 2 de mayo de 2010
Joseph Alois Schumpeter (1883- 1950): "The person I admire"

Austrian economist and sociologist. He began his higher education in Vienna, where he was a disciple of the leading representatives of the Austrian school, F. von Wieser and von Böhm-Bawerk. In 1907 he continued his studies in Britain. Austrian Finance Minister (1919), was devoted mainly to education, being a professor in Bonn and Harvard. In 1932 he settled permanently in the U.S..
His work is one of the largest that have occurred in the twentieth century, with great influence in the economic and social sciences as a whole. Highlighted the influence of entrepreneurs, the creation of credit and technology in economic development, as well argue with socialism.
- "Über die matematische Methode der theoretischen Ökonomie", 1906, ZfVSV. Blanca
- "Das Rentenprinzip in der Verteilungslehre", 1907, Schmollers Jahrbuch
Wesen und Hauptinhalt der theoretischen Nationalökonomie (transl. The Nature and Essence of Theoretical Economics), 1908.
- "On the Concept of Social Value", 1909, QJE
Wie studiert man Sozialwissenschaft, 1910 (transl. by J.Z. Muller, "How to Study Social Science", Society, 2003)
- "Marie Esprit Leon Walras", 1910, ZfVSV.
- "Über das Wesen der Wirtschaftskrisen", 1910, ZfVSV
Theorie der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung (transl. The Theory of Economic Development: An inquiry into profits, capital, credit, interest and the business cycle) , 1911.
Economic Doctrine and Method: An historical sketch, 1914.
- "Das wissenschaftliche Lebenswerk Eugen von Böhm-Bawerks", 1914, ZfVSV.
Vergangenkeit und Zukunft der Sozialwissenschaft, 1915.
The Crisis of the Tax State, 1918.
- "The Sociology of Imperialism", 1919, Archiv für Sozialwissenschaft und Sozialpolitik
- "Max Weber's Work", 1920, Der österreichische Volkswirt
- "Carl Menger", 1921, ZfVS.
- "The Explanation of the Business Cycle", 1927, Económica
- "Social Classes in an Ethnically Homogeneous Environment", 1927, Archiv für Sozialwissenschaft und Sozialpolitik.
- "The Instability of Capitalism", 1928, EJ
Das deutsche Finanzproblem, 1928.
- "Mitchell's Business Cycles", 1930, QJE
- "The Present World Depression: A tentative diagnosis", 1931, AER.
- "The Common Sense of Econometrics", 1933, Econometrica
- "Depressions: Can we learn from past experience?", 1934, in Economics of the Recovery Program
- "The Nature and Necessity of a Price System", 1934, Economic Reconstruction.
- "Review of Robinson's Economics of Imperfect Competition", 1934, JPE
- "The Analysis of Economic Change", 1935, REStat.
- "Professor Taussig on Wages and Capital", 1936, Explorations in Economics.
- "Review of Keynes's General Theory", 1936, JASA
Business Cycles: A theoretical, historical and statistical analysis of the Capitalist process, 1939.
- "The Influence of Protective Tariffs on the Industrial Development of the United States", 1940, Proceedings of AAPS
- "Alfred Marshall's Principles: A semi-centennial appraisal", 1941, AER.
- "Frank William Taussig", 1941, QJE.
I admire him because constributed to organizational psychology, which is what I like.
viernes, 23 de abril de 2010
My favorite vacation place...

It is difficult to define a favorite vacation spot because I think the favorite places are those where they are the people I love ... but if I had to choose one would be "La Serena". La Serena is located in northern Chile. This city has hospitals, shopping centers, restaurants, festivals, has everything for a summer entertaining. It is a city where I can find anything one for fun.
"La Serena"...
My best vacation ... all my childhood summers were spent in "La Serena"… I laughed at that place, crying, playing, singing, dancing... is wonderful place, it has beautiful beaches. go to "Serena" was an unforgettable experience…
sábado, 17 de abril de 2010
The Big Earthquake...
February night...That Friday I work till late, is why when the earthquake occurred...I was awake!
Returning to recall details of that night ... He had recently finished the show in "Viña del Mar", talk after a few moments with my parents and I went to bed. When I was trying to fall asleep the earthquake began.
The earthquake started and thought it would be something small, but I realized that never ended...I left my room and went to see my little brother, he was sleeping. But when I realized that the earthquake would not end at that time began to awaken. Now that I can remember more clearly I realize that my reaction was very calm.
Days after the earthquake ...
At work we started doing one of those bellonging. Begin to see where things could help... I believe that only then I started to realize the magnitude of what happened.
At the conclusion of all ... certainly learned to appreciate life more and I realized how fragile we can be human beings.
Returning to recall details of that night ... He had recently finished the show in "Viña del Mar", talk after a few moments with my parents and I went to bed. When I was trying to fall asleep the earthquake began.
The earthquake started and thought it would be something small, but I realized that never ended...I left my room and went to see my little brother, he was sleeping. But when I realized that the earthquake would not end at that time began to awaken. Now that I can remember more clearly I realize that my reaction was very calm.
Days after the earthquake ...
At work we started doing one of those bellonging. Begin to see where things could help... I believe that only then I started to realize the magnitude of what happened.
At the conclusion of all ... certainly learned to appreciate life more and I realized how fragile we can be human beings.
viernes, 9 de abril de 2010
Jimena. . .
My name is Jimena Rebolledo. I am 24 years old...
My life started on September 26, 1985 … My mother is Elena and my father is René; I have one sister and one brother...
...At the age of 4 started the college and to the 18 it end, undoubtedly they were years with many beautiful moments.
I started studing psychology at university in Brazil and at present I study psychology at university in Chile. I love psychology...
My favorite things are:
- Walk ...
- My profession...
- My job...
... my life ...
My name is Jimena Rebolledo. I am 24 years old...
My life started on September 26, 1985 … My mother is Elena and my father is René; I have one sister and one brother...
...At the age of 4 started the college and to the 18 it end, undoubtedly they were years with many beautiful moments.
I started studing psychology at university in Brazil and at present I study psychology at university in Chile. I love psychology...
My favorite things are:
- Walk ...
- My profession...
- My job...
... my life ...
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